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14 Songs to Cheer You the Heck Up
A happy playlist
I’ve got a playlist of songs I play whenever I’m feeling down. When a relationship, job, friendship or meal doesn’t work out, I chuck on my playlist. Maybe I’m not immediately filled with sunshine, lollipops and rainbows but I am left with a warm sensation that every little thing’s gonna be alright.
In case you too, my friend, feel down sometimes, I thought I’d share some of my “happy” songs with you.
I got this idea from Steve Goldberg and his excellent story about mental health and the Eels. At the end of his piece, Steve asked the question: Are there any songs or albums you turn to when you are struggling with some sort of emotional/psychological/spiritual pain?
So, without further ado, here are some songs that cheer me (and maybe you!) the heck up, by jingo.