Do I write “certain types of writing”?

Musings from a woman “of a certain age” on the October Partner Program Update

Nichola Scurry


Top half of a stone statue of a naked young woman. Her arm covers her chest area.
Me pondering my writing. Photo also by me

The words that caught my bright but myopic eye in Buster Benson’s October Partner Program Update were the following:

“…it’s inevitable that certain types of writing will see earnings go up, while others will go down.”

This certainly got me thinking.

What certain types of writing? Am I writing certain types of writing? Will my earnings go up or down? Or maybe even sideways?

I read through the lively discussion in the comments section of Buster’s piece. Many people asked him to clarify what he meant by “certain types of writing” so we can all avoid certain types of writing that see earnings go down. So far, Buster hasn’t clarified.

It’s certainly all a bit vague and mysterious, isn’t it?

I see myself as young, vibrant and awesome.

I’m in denial about being a woman of a certain age. But as my year of birth stretches all the way back to the mid-1970s, there’s no denying I am indeed a woman of a certain age.

I see my writing as beautiful, vibrant and awesome.

I’m in denial about being a writer who produces certain types of writing. But as I’ve occasionally published listicles, brain farts and once even got AI to help write my heading (spoiler: it didn’t help so I came up with my own), there’s no denying I am indeed a writer who produces certain types of writing.

Whether it’s the certain type of writing that sees earnings go up or down remains to be seen.

That’s for certain.



Nichola Scurry

Australian human living in Barcelona, writing mostly about popular culture with a twist of quirky. If you like my writing, I like coffee.