Hiboy S2 Electric Scooter — Review for Beginners

Nichola Scurry
10 min readMay 2, 2021

Non-sponsored review by a beginner, clumsy and older rider

Photo of the Hiboy S2 electric scooter with a grey concrete building in the background
Photo by me (Nichola Scurry)

A couple of months ago I purchased the Hiboy S2 electric scooter. I’m not your average rider. I’m a complete beginner, uncoordinated with poor spatial judgement, and older than most riders I see around. Also, I’m nervous sharing roads and paths with cars, cyclists, other scooters, small children, elderly people, pigeons…



Nichola Scurry

Australian human living in Barcelona, writing mostly about popular culture with a twist of quirky. If you like my writing, I like coffee. ko-fi.com/nicscurry