No-Brainer Decluttering for Lazy Non-Minimalists

14 household items you can throw away today without any heartache

Nichola Scurry
6 min readSep 17, 2023


The interior of a cluttered shed.
Image by Bill Kasman from Pixabay

Maybe you CBF decluttering. Especially if you’re coming from a starting point of so much … stuff! Just think, the average American home contains 300,000 items. But never fear. You don’t need to become a hardcore minimalist living in a spartan house with bare white walls and one green plant to reap the benefits of decluttering.

Here’s how I got rid of a bunch of stuff in a way that worked for me and left my home cleaner and easier to manage.

Decluttering has been liberating for me. I like to travel, move around and feel in control of my life. Owning fewer things helps me achieve all that. It saves me time, money and stress. I can pick up and go whenever I please. It also means I really appreciate and get good use out of the stuff I do keep.

That’s just me, though. Massive possession purging may not be your thing.

You might be happy never moving. You might be an avid collector. But by getting rid of stuff you don’t like or use, you have more space for stuff you do like.

My starting point was an apartment bursting at the seams and a feeling of embarrassment that one person could own so…



Nichola Scurry
Nichola Scurry

Written by Nichola Scurry

Australian human living in Barcelona, writing mostly about popular culture with a twist of quirky. If you like my writing, I like coffee. ko-fi.com/nicscurry

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