Spare a Clap for my Crappiest Stories

Don’t worry. For once, they’re not literally about crap

Nichola Scurry
2 min readApr 14, 2024


Grey statue of a woman with fog in the background.
Me sparing a thought for my stories. Photo by me.

I don’t earn much on this platform but there was a time when I earned even less. So I thought I’d dust off some of my lowest-earning stories and give them a little boost.

Boost, get it. 😉

The Story of My Birth, earnings 3 cents

Ok, this one does touch on the subject of crap. But not too much.

Surely everyone on this platform wants to know about that time I was born. I’m flabbergasted this story only earned 3 cents.

In all seriousness, this story is fairly funny and fairly short. Must just have got lost in the algorithm.

Medium Progress 19 April 2021, earnings 5 cents

When I first started writing here, I had the brilliant idea to write monthly progress updates. Because everyone wants to know the stats of a brand-new writer.



Nichola Scurry

Australian human living in Barcelona, writing mostly about popular culture with a twist of quirky. If you like my writing, I like coffee.